16th Annual Crime Prevention Guide

Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 7 Image by drobotdean - www.freepik.com Proceeds from our 16th Annual Crime Prevention Guide project have allowed the Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers to make $2,500 donations to both the Hospitals of Regina Foundation and the Royal University Hospital Foundation to be targeted for Mental Health to support Teenagers Drug Abuse Prevention and to help educate the public in recognizing the signs and behaviors of teenagers that may be at risk. Vice-President Chris Rhodes presented a cheque on behalf of the SFPO and Fenety Marketing to the Royal University Hospital Foundation. Nicole Schumacher (left), Director with Mental Health and Addictions Services (SHA), and Jennifer Malloy (right), Executive Director RUH Foundation President Casey Ward presenting a cheque on behalf of the SFPO and Fenety Marketing to the Hospitals of Regina Foundation. Luanne Drake (left), Director of Major Gifts, Hospitals of Regina Foundation; and Shalon Fleming (right), Manager; Inpatient Mental Health Adolescent Unit and Youth Detox, SHA. Hospitals of Regina Foundation is proud to support Regina’s hospitals and the wide range of programs and services offered by medical professionals in our city. Our donors enable to us to support everything from patient care to improving conditions for health-care teams, Including education, research and training opportunities for health-care professionals. RUH, which opened in 1955, is the largest clinical, teaching, and research hospital in Saskatchewan. Operated by the Saskatchewan Health Authority, the hospital is the preeminent provider of life-saving care to patients with the most life-threatening illnesses and injuries in the province. The hospital’s dedicated and skilled health care teams provide exceptional and innovative care to more than 150,000 registered patients a year. Approximately 40 per cent of patients are residents of communities outside of Saskatoon and immediate area.