16th Annual Crime Prevention Guide

Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 1 FROM THE PRESIDENT As President of the Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers, I am proud to introduce our 16th Annual Crime Prevention Guide focusing on Teenagers Drug Abuse Prevention. Saskatchewan police officers are responding to a record amount of drug overdoses in our province. The Opioid crisis has hit the province and is a major concern for our communities. We are seeing more and more youth that are becoming addicted to these highly addictive drugs. Enforcement is only one pillar of dealing with this crisis. Education and prevention is the only true way that we can all make a difference. The SFPO is proud to continue their partnership with Fenety Marketing in the 2023 Crime Prevention Guide focusing on Teenagers Drug Abuse Prevention. There are a lot of amazing articles in this handbook on how to identify and work with youth on dealing with this important issue. This publication is distributed free of charge each year to public facilities including local schools and libraries throughout the province, and will also be available “on line” at the SFPO’s web site www.saskpolice.com, to help educate our community. I want to take this time to thank you for your contributions and support. With the generous support of individuals, businesses, and corporations throughout the province, we are able to educate the citizens of the province on Suicide Prevention. On behalf of the 1400 members of the SFPO, we appreciate your continued support in the province of Saskatchewan. Thank you for continuing to work together to build safe communities throughout Saskatchewan. Casey Ward President Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers