16th Annual Crime Prevention Guide

Teenagers Drug Abuse Prevention 168 OVERDOSE PREVENTION (continued) Mixing Drugs Increases the Risks Avoid mixing drugs or be cautious if you do mix drugs. Mixing drugs with other drugs or with alcohol can increase the likelihood of an accidental overdose. Some drug combinations are more deadly than others. Sign Up For Drug Alerts A Provincial Drug Alert System has been established, allowing the Ministry of Health to issue alerts based on information provided from partner organizations such as the Saskatchewan Coroners Service, Regina and Saskatoon Fire Services and drug checking sites in Regina and Saskatoon. Alerts are issued when partners report one or more of the following situations to the Ministry of Health: • more than expected number of individuals seen by paramedic, or in hospital, with an overdose over a short period of time; • multiple severe outcomes (ICU admissions, deaths) over a short period of time; • multiple overdoses in persons who use or live in the same area or location or who report use of a common substance; • overdoses that are difficult to reverse with naloxone; and • concerning substances in circulation that have the potential to cause harm or death. Signup information is available on the Drug Alerts webpage or text JOIN to 1-833-35-BSAFE (352-7233). Learn about the Good Samaritan Act If you think someone is overdosing, call 911 immediately. Naloxone is only a temporary solution and will not work on all overdoses. The person overdosing will need medical attention and every minute counts. The federal Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act provides legal protections for individuals who seek emergency help during an overdose or who witness an overdose. Practice Infection Prevention Protect yourself from HIV, Hepatitis C and other infectious diseases: use new, clean needles each time you use drugs, and do not share supplies with other people. WHERE TO GET HELP HealthLine 811 – Mental health and addictions service continues to be available, providing 24/7 crisis support, advice to help manage a caller's situation, information and connection to community resources. Wellness Together Canada – Connects people to peer support workers, social workers, psychologists and other professionals for confidential chat sessions or phone calls, and also offers credible information and help to address mental health and substance use issues. Mental Health resources – A wide range of services, supports, and education materials are available to assist people who are struggling with mental health and addiction issues in Saskatchewan. Addictions resources – Get information and services available in Saskatchewan to help you deal with alcohol and drug issues. Get tested - Testing is part of a comprehensive public health disease prevention strategy to reduce the spread of HIV, Hepatitis C, and other sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections. Call the National Overdose Response Service – 1-888-688-NORS (6677). This toll-free 24hour hotline aims to prevent deadly overdoses by connecting people who are alone and using drugs with peer volunteers who can call for help if it's needed. saskatchewan.ca