16th Annual Crime Prevention Guide

Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 115 PREVENTION STRATEGIES Positive self-esteem, a supportive family, and positive role models help teens gain confidence to make good choices. Even young children have opinions about substance use. So start early to help your child learn the skills needed to avoid substance use. • Be a good role model. As a parent, your attitude toward tobacco, alcohol, and drugs is one of the greatest influences on whether your child will use substances. If you have a substance use disorder, get help. If you quit, your teen is more likely to get help early if your teen starts using a substance. • Share your beliefs. They may not act like it, but most children listen to what their parents tell them. Talk with your teen about the effects of substances on emotions, schoolwork, and health. If you have a family history of substance use, talk with your teen about their increased risk for the same problems. • Get informed. Learn about the substances commonly used by teens. Find out how the drugs work, what their street names are, and what the signs of being under the influence are. • Stay connected. Know your teen's friends. Know where your teen is at all times. Set times when your family is expected to be together, such as at mealtimes. Plan outings or other fun activities. • Be fair and consistent. Extreme discipline can increase the risk of substance use. • Expect your teen to follow the household rules. Set reasonable consequences for unacceptable behaviour. Then consistently carry them out. • Make a contract with your teen. Write down what you expect from your teen and what the consequences will be if the plan isn't followed. • Praise your teen for successes. • Encourage activities. Keep your teen busy with meaningful activities. These may include sports, faith group programs, or other group involvement. Teens who feel good about themselves are less likely to use alcohol and drugs. • Talk about the personal and legal consequences. • Talk about how the use of substances while trying to develop adult skills—like going to school or getting a job—can affect your teen's future. • Explain that substance use can lead to behaviours such as unsafe sex, sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy. • Remind your teen that it's illegal for teens to use any substances. • Talk about the increased risk of car rashes, violence, and arrests because of substance use. Image created by DC Studio on freepik.com healthwise.net