16th Annual Crime Prevention Guide

Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 109 FACTS ABOUT TEEN DRUG AND ALCOHOL USE (continued) PRESCRIPTION AND OVERTHE-COUNTER DRUGS Some teens misuse prescription medicines, like opioids (such as oxycodone and fentanyl), benzodiazepines (such as Valium and Xanax), stimulants (such as Adderall), or anabolic steroids. Some over-the-counter medicines, such as cold medicines that have dextromethorphan in them, are misused by teens as a way to get "high." • Many prescription and over-thecounter medicines can cause serious harm if they are misused. • Misuse of opioids can lead to overdose and even death. Using alcohol along with opioids increases the risk of opioid overdose. • Misuse of prescription drugs may lead teens to steal or resort to other dangerous or illegal behaviour to buy drugs. INHALANTS Household products that can be inhaled include glues, shoe polish, and paint thinners. They contain poisons that can cause brain damage or, in rare cases, even death with the first use. ENERGY DRINKS The caffeine in energy drinks such as Red Bull, Monster, or Rockstar can cause high blood pressure and sleep problems in teens. Teens may mistakenly think that stimulants such as caffeine can undo the effects of alcohol or sober them up before driving. So they may drink more than they normally would have, and be more likely to engage in risky behaviours such as drinking and driving. Image by Freepik