16th Annual Crime Prevention Guide

Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 103 Canada trained as drug recognition experts have the tools and ability to determine if a person is impaired by drugs and/or alcohol. DRUGS THAT CONTRIBUTE TO COLLISIONS Studies of vehicle accidents around the world show that the drugs most commonly implicated in accidents (after alcohol) include: > marijuana, > opioids, > amphetamines, > benzodiazepines, and > cocaine. Performance becomes even worse if drivers use both marijuana and alcohol. Prescription drugs, when used properly or when abused, can also impair driving. Legal drugs, such as opioid pain relievers and benzodiazepines (prescribed for anxiety or sleep disorders) can affect a person’s ability to safely control a moving vehicle. People who are prescribed these medications are warned by their pharmacist against operating any machinery, including vehicles, for a certain time after taking them. People who abuse these medications to get high may not even be aware of this danger. TEENS, DRUGS AND DRIVING Many car crashes involving teenagers are caused by inexperience and poor judgment. When these factors are combined with alcohol, marijuana or other drugs, the results can be tragic. Parents play a vital role in teaching young people to drive responsibly. That means teaching them not to drive impaired by alcohol or drugs. There is no safe limit for young drivers, since even one drink or a small amount of a drug can affect them. Parents should also offer the following guidance. > Discuss how drugs and alcohol can impair > driving ability, affect perceptions, and slow > reaction times. > Remind teens that it is always illegal to >drive impaired by alcohol or drugs. > Discuss the dangers of getting into a car > with a driver who has been drinking or > using drugs. > Make it clear that using alcohol, > marijuana or other drugs when driving is > dangerous. > Model safe driving behaviour by never > driving any vehicle impaired. DRIVING IMPAIRED BY A DRUG (continued) Image by Freepik