15th Annual Crime Prevention Guide

117 Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers •Acknowledge things that limit a person’s abilities; but also recognize ways in which the person is not limited. 3. Learn more about positive aging The better informed we are about aging and what to expect, the better able we are to evaluate and resist many of the inaccurate and negative stereotypes of aging. So… •Get informed about physical, mental, social, sexual, and financial health for older adults. •Promote positive attitudes about aging and about the contributions of older adults to our society. 4. Learn more about ageism and discrimination It is common for older adults to face discrimination in housing, health, and other key services. Older adults are sometimes treated as burdens on services. They may be refused services based on their age or on assumptions about their needs and abilities. So… •Learn to recognize when "neutral" policies aren’t neutral. •Recognize how ageism intersects with other "isms", such as sexism or racism. •Listen to older adults who have experienced ageism. They are in the best position to tell us how ageism affects their lives. 5. Speak up When ageism and age discrimination go unchallenged, it gets harder to notice and easier to perpetuate. People assume it is acceptable to act this way. So… •When someone you know uses ageist language or images, tactfully point out the inaccuracy. Educate them about alternatives. •When someone ridicules an older adult, tells a belittling joke, or makes disrespectful comments, let them know that you are an advocate for positive aging, and that you find the comments offensive and harmful. Pay attention to how older adults are portrayed in the media. When you see or hear a negative stereotype, speak up. Write a letter or e-mail to the editor, sponsor, or producer. 6. Build intergenerational bridges •Ageism thrives on ignorance. People who don’t have contact with others who are older or younger than themselves are more likely to believe the negative stereotypes. So…Reach out. Meet people of all ages and experiences. •Share stories, ideas, and skills—one-to-one and in groups. We all have things to teach and learn. •Embrace common causes that widen your circle and strengthen you community. 7. Get connected Ageism is everybody’s business. So… •Learn about professional associations, community groups, and other organizations that address ageism and promote positive aging. Get involved. Become a member of the Canadian Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse. It’s free. Join at cnpea.ca/en/get-involved cnpea.ca