13th Annual Crime Prevention Guide

89 Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers Family Violence Quiz 1. Yes - this is family violence. Daniel's behaviour includes emotional and physical abuse – both are types of family violence. Although there are no visible bruises or marks, Daniel is constantly putting his sister down and finding ways to intimidate her and be mean to her. Brothers and sisters sometimes tease each other but what Daniel is doing is more than just teasing and it's not acceptable for a brother to treat his sister this way. Daniel is responsible for his behaviour and he should stop emotionally and physically abusing his sister. Jessica should talk to her parents or another adult she trusts. No - this isn't family violence, but yelling isn't a good way to solve problems. It's an expression of anger, but it's not a crime. Michael's mother could have listened to his explanation and then decided what to do. If the yelling happens repeatedly, it could be emotional abuse and a form of family violence for which child protection workers could become involved. 2. Yes - this is family violence. It's sexual abuse and it's a crime. Since Ella's mother is not helping her, she should tell another adult what's happening.This is a serious matter involving the breach of a position of trust. Police and possibly child protection officials may become involved and Ella's father may need to seek professional help for his behaviour. 3. 4. Yes - this is family violence. It's spousal abuse. No one has the right to hit or threaten anyone, including their spouse. Robert's father used violence – he committed the crime of assault. Police in Canada take spousal assault very seriously. In some places programs are available to help the abuser realize the impact of their behaviour and learn how to build a healthy respectful relationship. Sometimes a judge will order someone who has been abusive to their spouse to participate in one of these programs. Spousal abuse isn't always physical, it can include emotional abuse (like constant put downs or not allowing the other spouse to see friends and family), sexual abuse (making the other spouse do something sexual against their will), or financial (keeping control of the family income and not letting the other spouse have access to any money for things they need).All couples have arguments but when one spouse starts to bully, threaten or hurt the other it becomes abuse.Abuse can also happen without anger or violence (e.g. emotional abuse and financial abuse). Children can be emotionally harmed by seeing or hearing spousal abuse. (continued) Answers...