12th Annual Crime Prevention Guide

76 Cannabis Awareness tel 306-975-3444 fax 306-975-7044 Box 186 RR4 | Saskatoon, SK S7K 3J7 R. M. of SALTCOATS ph: 744-2202 fx: 744-2455 Box 150 S0A 3R0 DEAN & CO. Income Planning Services Ltd. John J. Dean CLU, CH.F.C #1520-2002 Victoria Avenue Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 0R7 (306) 569-3932 • (306) 569-9854 fax Town of Grand Coulee Your Friends Live Here www.grandcoulee.ca www.facebook.com/villageofgrandcoulee Proud to support the Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers Thank you for your service! 105A - 3929 8th Street East (College Park Mall) (306) 955-3900 www.oceaniainn.ca Dine In, Take Out & Delivery Oceania Inn Restaurant