Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 65 Cannabis and the border Cannabis is legal for adults in Canada. However, it is still illegal to transport cannabis and all products containing cannabis (including products containing CBD) across the Canadian border: • no matter how much cannabis you have with you • even if you are authorized to use cannabis for medical purposes in any form, including CBD • even if you are travelling to or from an area where cannabis has been legalized or decriminalized If you are entering Canada and you have cannabis with you in any form, you must declare it to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). Not declaring cannabis in your possession at the Canadian border is a serious criminal offence.Additionally, receiving or sending cannabis in any form into or out of Canada by mail or courier is also illegal. Unauthorized purchases from outside Canada (online or other) will be confiscated at the border.You could be arrested and prosecuted. Leaving Canada It is illegal to take cannabis across the Canadian border, whether you are entering or leaving the country.You could be charged with a criminal offence if you try to travel to other countries with any amount of cannabis in your possession.This includes edible cannabis, cannabis topicals and cannabis extracts, as well as products containing CBD. This applies to all countries, whether cannabis is legal there or not. Cannabis is illegal in most countries. If you try to travel internationally with any amount of cannabis, including CBD products, in your possession, you could face serious criminal penalties both at home and abroad.You could be denied entry at your destination country if you have previously used cannabis or any substance prohibited by local laws. You could also be denied entry to other countries in the future. Canadians travelling to the U.S. for reasons related to the cannabis industry may be denied entry. It is your responsibility to inform yourself about the laws of the country you intend to visit. This includes the legal status of cannabis use and possession in any country you may travel to. Travelling with cannabis within Canada When you are travelling within Canada, if you meet the minimum age requirement of the province or territory you are in, you may possess up to 30 grams of dried cannabis or the equivalent. You are responsible for learning the laws of the province or territory you are going to visit. If you use cannabis, follow the laws in that jurisdiction.">Travel photo created by freepik">Car photo created by welcomia