8 Cannabis Awareness With the legalization of cannabis last year and the recent federal legalization of edibles, extracts and topicals, it’s more important than ever for people to understand that driving under the influence of cannabis is the same as driving drunk. Government is committed to working with its partners in policing to ensure that Saskatchewan’s roads are safe and that our impaired driving laws are enforced consistently. It’s our duty to ensure that people understand the law and that our streets and highways are kept free of impaired drivers, so that everyone can get home safe. saskatchewan.ca If they’re driving high, it’s a DUI ©Shutterstock.com REGINA, SK 588 Local ATU Local 588, which consists of Transit Operators, Maintenance and Clerical Staff, is proud to support the Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers Annual Crime Prevention Guide. Representing over 14,000 Health Care Workers in Saskatchewan. CUPE recognizes the seriousness of Mental Health, Suicide Prevention, PTSD, Drug Addiction, Alcoholism and all other challenges people face, on a daily basis, in our community. CUPE LOCAL 5430 1651 Park Street, Regina, SK, S4N 5A2 COPE/342 Proud supporters of our Local Law Enforcement 900 22nd St. East, Prince Albert SK (306) 765-5205 20% discount on food for local law enforcement and emergency service workers who come in, in uniform