11th Annual Crime Prevention Guide

Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 35 Let’s Talk About Stigma Stigma refers to negative attitudes (prejudice) and negative behaviour (discrimination) toward people with substance use and mental health problems. Stigma includes: • having fixed ideas and judgments—such as thinking that people with substance use and mental health problems are not normal or not like us; that they caused their own problems; or that they can simply get over their problems if they want to. • fearing and avoiding what we don’t understand— such as excluding people with substance use and mental health problems from regular parts of life (for example, from having a job or a safe place to live). We all have attitudes and judgments that affect how we think about and behave toward others.When we talk about negative attitudes and behaviour toward others based on their gender, sexual orientation, culture, race or religion, we use the words prejudice and discrimination. So let’s call stigma what it really is Prejudice and discrimination exclude people with mental illness and addiction from activities that are open to other people.This limits people's ability to: • get and keep a job • get and keep a safe place to live • get health care (including treatment for substance use and mental health problems) and other support • be accepted by their family, friends and community • find and make friends or have other long-term relationships • take part in social activities. Prejudice and discrimination often become internalized by people with mental health and substance use problems.This leads them to: • believe the negative things that other people and the media say about them (self-stigma) • have lower self-esteem because they feel guilt and shame. Prejudice and discrimination contribute to people with mental health and substance use problems keeping their problems a secret. As a result: • they avoid getting the help they need • their mental health or substance use problems are less likely to decrease or go away. Making a difference Here are 7 huge things you can do to reduce prejudice and discrimination against people with mental health and substance use problems: 1. Know the facts. Educate yourself about substance use and mental health problems—what can bring them on; who is more likely to develop problems; and how to prevent or reduce the severity of problems. Learn the facts instead of the myths. 2. Be aware of your attitudes and behaviour. We’ve all grown up with prejudices and judgmental thinking, which are passed on by society and reinforced by family, friends and the media. But we can change the way we think—and see people as unique human beings, not as labels or stereotypes. 3. Choose your words carefully. The way we speak can affect the way other people think and speak. Business photo created by katemangostar - www.freepik.com continued