Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 21 WEYBURN POLICEASSOCIATION Cst. Kaczmar with Weyburn Police Association and Eleesha Cooper with Bespoke Interior Design, pictured with items that were inside of the ‘Blessing Bags’ handed out to families in need at Christmas time. A final number of 105 bags were given to families that were chosen by the Salvation Army, who qualified to receive a bag filled with household essentials. Cst. Kaczmar and Cooper gathered donations from businesses and individuals in the community, purchased the items for the bags, and put the bags together, which were then taken to the Salvation Army, who dispersed them to families in need. Cst. Kaczmar with Weyburn Police Association presenting Tara Busch and trauma K9 Beaumont, with a $3,500 cheque from the 2nd Annual WPA golf tournament. Tara and Beaumont are part of Southeast Regional Victim Services.