11th Annual Crime Prevention Guide

112 Mental Health Awareness Call orWalk-In 1646 11th Ave Regina SK Mobile Crisis Helpline (306) 757-0127 Crisis Suicide Helpline (306) 525-5333 Email Us Online Help visit www.mobilecrisis.ca/email-us-online-help Child Abuse Line (306) 569-2724 Saskatchewan Problem Gambling HelpLine 1-800-306-6789 Farm Stress Line 1-800-667-4442 Are you in Crisis? • Having difficulty coping with daily problems • Don’t want to talk to friends or family • Are you turning to alcohol or drugs to make yourself feel better • Mood changes, less patience or angry outbursts • Suicidal thoughts • Need someone to talk to between appointments with counsellors • Not feeling you are in touch with reality • Overwhelmed and don’t know where to turn What should I do if I am having Suicidal Thoughts? • In an Emergency! Call 911 if you have hurt yourself or taken more than the medically recommended dose of medication. • Non-Emergent! Call the Crisis Suicide Helpline (306) 525-5333 or (306) 757-0127. If you are in rural Saskatchewan call toll free at 1-800-667-4442 [Farm Stress Line] You are not alone as 1 in 5 Canadians will experience a mental health crisis in their lifetime. And every Canadian will be affected in some way due to their relationship with family or friends who experience a mental health crisis. Why get Help? Like so many other illnesses, early treatment is the key to recovering from mental illnesses. Early treatment can prevent a problem from getting worse. The sooner you do something about it, the sooner you’ll be back to yourself. Situational crisis can put a strain on that recovery. Situation crises usually do not last more than 48hr. But when your ability to cope is already stressed the added support can help you assess your situation, priorized the things you need to address and connect you to the resources that will help. Our Crisis Counsellors are trained and can help you address your mental health issues 24 hours a day. We partner with community agencies to provide you with immediate and ongoing help. mobilecrisis.ca 24/7 HELP LINES