11th Annual Crime Prevention Guide

Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 9 CMHA SK is a volunteer-based organization which supports and promotes the rights of persons with mental illness to maximize their full potential; and promotes and enhances the mental health and well-being of all members of the community. CMHA SK is one of the oldest and largest community-based human services organizations in Saskatchewan. They are proud to be part of CMHA National, connecting them with branches all across Canada. Their purpose is to: • fight to reduce the stigma of mental illness through public education • provide educational opportunities to help the public understand mental health issues • provide services to schools, communities and individuals promoting Mental Health for everyone • advocate for consumers of mental health services. Proceeds from this 11th Annual Crime Prevention Guide allowed the SFPO to make a $5,000.00 donation to the Canadian Mental Health Association – SK Division. Left to right: Julius Brown, of OSI Can CMHA – SK, accepting a $5,000 donation from Casey Ward, SFPO President.