10th Annual Crime Prevention Guide

Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 23 Prince Albert Police Association Team placed first in the Inaugural Year (2018) of the Kid Sport fundraiser and plan on defending the title next year. Kid Sportraises funds to enable local less-fortunate youth to have registration fees and equipment supplied so they have a chance to participate in community sports. Thanks to some fantastic community partners in Fresh Air Experience, Genes Cycle & Sports and Propaganda, the Prince Albert Police were able to give these youth brand new bicycle helmets in June 2018. Dozens of helmets are going to youth to protect themselves from head injuries. Congratulations to Prince Albert Police Service’s three new officers who graduated from Saskatchewan Police College in June 2018: Constables Danyliuk, Gahrha and Benitez, pictured with Acting Chief Rowden. Cst. MacDonald helping control traffic with a young future police officer in May 2018. PRINCE ALBERT POLICE ASSOCIATION “With Integrity and Innovation We Deliver Service to Our Citizens” “With Integrity and Innovation We Deliver Service to Our Citizens”