8th Annual Crime Prevention Guide

Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 7 Tim Spelliscy Provincial Director 4141 25th Avenue Regina,SK S4S 6S8 Ph: (306) 757-5562 [email protected] www.saddsask.ca/newsadd/ LIKE US ON FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/ SADD-Saskatchewan370738711396/ FOLLOWUS ON TWITTER SADD Saskatchewan@saddsask CONTACT US! Proceeds from our 8th Annual Crime Prevention Guide allowed SFPO to make a $5,000.00 donation to SADD to support their program objectives:  Continually strive to bring deaths due to impaired driving in Saskatchewan down to zero. We believe this goal can be achieved using the following objectives.  Expand the scope of the SADD program so that it reaches larger segments of society with its impaired driving prevention message.  Work to establish greater continuity within local SADD chapters and the provincial SADD organization.  Save lives and prevent injuries caused by impaired driving through education.  Influence/initiate legislation and public policy in areas related to impaired driving. STUDENTSAGAINST DRINKING & DRIVING SFPO President Casey Ward presenting a $5,000 donation to SADD President Carley Macechuk.