8th Annual Crime Prevention Guide

Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 65 • If you have no prior Criminal Code offences your driver's licence will be suspended for a minimum of 1 year federally and provincially for 1 year. These suspensions run at the same time; • If you have a prior offence in the last 10 years, you will be suspended from holding an operator's licence for a minimum of 2 years federally from the date of the conviction and provincially for 3 years. These suspensions run at the same time; • If you have 2 or more prior offences in the last 10 years, you will be suspended from holding an operator’s licence for a minimum of 3 years federally from the date of the conviction and provincially for 5 years. These suspensions run at the same time; Some of the other consequences in Saskatchewan include: • You'll receive a minimum $1,000 court fine (with no maximum) and effective Oct. 12, 2016, a minimum $1,000 penalty under the Safe Driver Recognition (SDR) program. For alcohol- or drug-related convictions it is a minimum $1,250 to a maximum of $2,250 - even if it's the 1st time you're convicted. This means you'll automatically move to -20 on the SDR scale and lose your vehicle registration discount. • You will receive a 1-5 year driving suspension, which means you cannot drive any motorized vehicle in Canada. • You could face jail time. • You'll have a criminal record. This could prevent you from travelling outside of Canada. • You'll have to pay for the education program. The Driving Without Impairment (DWI) course costs $150. • User-pay mandatory igintion interlock. IGNITION INTERLOCK PROGRAM The program provides early reinstatement of your driving privileges to drivers that are currently suspended due to impaired driving suspensions. How the program works The Ignition Interlock Program is a remedial program for drivers who have received impaired driving suspensions. An ignition interlock device prevents a driver from operating a vehicle if they have alcohol in their body. Program participants are required to have the device installed in every vehicle they drive. Drivers subject to an ignition interlock condition are responsible for all installation and maintenance costs. Drivers must demonstrate a sustained ability to separate drinking and driving behaviors prior to completing the program. The program is mandatory for conviction dates on or after June 27, 2014. Drivers requiring an ignition interlock device installation may apply for an exemption in exchange for a longer suspension period. How ignition interlock devices work • A built-in data logger records every event associated with the use of the interlock device. • Prior to starting the vehicle, a breath sample is required. Once a zero alcohol breath sample is provided and the vehicle is running, additional breath samples will be requested at random intervals. • If a breath sample is not provided when required or alcohol is detected, the device will detect and record a warning. The warning will be recorded in the device event log and, where applicable, record the blood alcohol content (BAC). The device will then DRINKING, DRUGSAND DRIVING CONSEQUENCES CONTINUED