8th Annual Crime Prevention Guide

Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 61 The required program must be completed before you can install the ignition interlock device in your vehicle. For more information and costs of these programs visit the Impaired driving education programs page online at www.sgi.sk.ca. MANDATORY IGNITION INTERLOCK If you’re convicted of an alcohol-related Criminal Code offence (.08, refusal, or impaired) you must complete the required impaired driving education programand you must install the ignition interlock device for the number of required days below before you can obtain a full driver’s licence. You do not have the option of waiting out your suspension. You must keep the ignition interlock device in for the mandatory number of days and if the device is removed during the term, you must re-install the device until you have it in for the required number of days. Footnotes 1.Law enforcement will automatically issue a 60 day impoundment. If the BAC is a lower range offence, Driver Programs will adjust the impound term. 2.Required programs must be completed prior to installation of mandatory ignition interlock. 3.The required suspension period to be served may be greater depending on the court order absolute prohibition period. In most cases the minimum suspension period is as indicated. DRINKING, DRUGSAND DRIVING CONSEQUENCES CONTINUED