8th Annual Crime Prevention Guide

108 Driving Under the Influence Awareness Village of Vanscoy 109 Main Street, PO Box 480 Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0 Kept safe by our Peace Officers 8th St East & McOrmand Road PO Box 22039 Saskatoon, SK S7H 5P1 306.374.3939 Box 650 Lloydminster, SK S9V 0Y7 Ph: (306) 825-6115 Fax: (306) 825-5464 Web: www.lmlindustrial.ca Village of Macrorie [email protected] P.O. Box 37, Macrorie Saskatchewan S0L 2E0 Tel: (306) 243-2010 Fax: (306) 243-2001 Rural Municipality of Laurier No. 38 Incorporated December 13th, 1909 505 Healy Avenue PO Box 219 Radville, Saskatchewan S0C 2G0 Phone: (306) 869-2255 Fax: (306) 869-2524 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.radville.ca/rm-office 1305 4th St, Estevan, SK S4A 0X1 306-634-4707 Broadview & District Lions Club PO Box 537 Broadview, SK S0G 0K0 (306) 696-2886 Unit #A23-134 Primrose Drive Saskatoon, SK S7K 5S6 Ph: (306) 668-2358 Fax: (306) 668-2352 Email: [email protected] Helps promote DUI Awareness TM owned by JTH Tax , Inc . , used under l i cense PO Box 846 11501 8 Ave, North Battleford Saskatchewan S9A 2Z3 Rural Municipality of Ituna Bon Accord No. 246 Box 190 Ituna, SK S0A 1N0 Phone: 306-795-2202 Email: [email protected] “The Exterior People” SIDING • STUCCO 789-9777 1150 Park Street Regina, SK S4N 4Y9 www.bar-tconstruction.ca