7th Annual Crime Prevention Guide

Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 91 For each of the elements of the Strategy, a clear understanding of what is required to achieve success and how Canada’s efforts are coordinated and contribute to the delivery of the Strategy, is necessary. Therefore, the remainder of this chapter sets out for each element: • the purposeof that element of the Strategy; • the desired outcomes Canada is seeking to achieve; • and the main programs and activities that contribute to that element. For an issue as complex and cross cutting as counter-terrorism, many programs and activities contribute to the attainment of more than one strategic outcome, and in some cases, support more than one element of the Strategy. The programs and activities identified here are discussed in relation to the element of the Strategy to which they make their primary contribution. PURPOSE To prevent individuals from engaging in terrorism. This element focuses on the motivations of individuals who engage in, or have the potential to engage in, terrorist activities at home and abroad. Canada aims to target and diminish the factors contributing to terrorism by actively engaging with individuals, communities and international partners, and through research to better understand these factors and how to counter them. DESIRED OUTCOMES • Resilience of communities to violent extremism and radicalization is bolstered. • Violent extremist ideology is effectively challenged by producing effective narratives to counter it. • The risk of individuals succumbing to violent extremism and radicalization is reduced. PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES Working with individuals and communities to counter violent extremism The threat from violent extremism is a significant national security challenge. Radicalization, which is the precursor to violent extremism, is a process by which individuals are introduced to an overtly ideological message and belief system that encourages movement from moderate, mainstream beliefs towards extremist views. This becomes a threat to national security when individuals or groups espouse or engage in violence as a means of promoting political, ideological or religious objectives. Prevent ...continued THE STRATEGY Prevent, Detect, Deny and Respond continued...