Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 89 This chapter describes how the Government is seeking to achieve the aim of countering domestic and international terrorism in order to protect Canada, Canadians and Canadian interests. Building Resilience Against Terrorismhas four mutually reinforcing elements: Prevent individuals from engaging in terrorism; Detect the activities of individuals and organizations who may pose a terrorist threat; Deny terrorists the means and opportunity to carry out their activities; and Respondproportionately, rapidly and in an organized manner to terrorist activities and mitigate their effects. All four elements contribute to building a resilient Canada. The Prevent element fosters a Canada that is resistant to violent extremism. The Detect and Deny elements ensure Canada is able to identify terrorist activities early, and that it is a difficult target for would-be terrorists. The Respond element engenders a resilient society able to bounce back quickly when terrorist incidents do occur. FRAMEWORK OF CANADA’S COUNTER TERRORISM STRATEGY AIM To counter domestic and international terrorism in order to protect Canada, Canadians and Canadian interests PRINCIPLES 1. Building resilience 2. Terrorism is a crime and will be prosecuted 3. Adherence to the rule of law 4. Cooperation and partnerships 5. Proportionate and measured response 6. A flexible and forward-looking approach ...continued THE STRATEGY Prevent, Detect, Deny and Respond continued...