122 Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers Compliments of Trish Fisher PA EUROCLOGS Jim and Laureen Pattison Jim Pattison C.Ped. (C) Canadian Certified Pedorthist 521 Laurier Drive, Prince Albert, SK S6V 5L9 960-4185 [email protected] • Specializing in Comfortable footwear for people who work on their feet • Orthopedic footwear and modifications for “special” feet • Custom made foot orthotics We trade with trust 862 Snyder Road Moose Jaw, SK, Canada S6H 4Y4 Office: 306.693.8887I Plant: 306.693.9237 Fax: 306.693.8880 www.agrocorp.ca I www.agrocorp.com.sg A proud supporter of the Crime Prevention Progam MAJOR APPLIANCE PARTS, SALES AND REPAIR CELL: 306-421-0440 FAX: 306-388-2909 P.O. Box 208 Bienfait, SK S0C 0M0 FELIX REPAIR Birch Hill & District Lions Club Proud to Support the Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers PO Box 190, Lumsden, SK S0G 3C0 306.731.2881