7th Annual Crime Prevention Guide

Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 9 Proceeds from our 7th Annual Crime Prevention Guide allowed SFPO to make a $5,000.00 donation to the Saskatchewan Division of the Canadian Mental Health Association, a provincial charity that promotes the mental health for citizens of Saskatchewan. SFPO President Casey Ward(left) presenting a $5,000 donation to Julius Brown, provincial coordinator of the OSI-Can Initiative for the Canadian Mental Health Association – Saskatchewan. If you need help or information regarding mental health programs and supports in Saskatchewan, please contact us. Saskatchewan Division office of Canadian Mental Health Association is here to help provide support to everyone in Saskatchewan and we can help you connect with the mental health services available in your region of the province. Contact CMHA SK Division 2702 12th Avenue, Regina, SK S4T 1J2 Phone: 1-800-461-5483or 306-525-5601 Fax: 306-569-3788 www.sk.cmha.ca FOLLOW US SSSSSSSSS