Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 101 ...continued THE STRATEGY Prevent, Detect, Deny and Respond continued... DFAIT provides assessments supporting government departments concerned with international affairs as well as support to diplomatic missions, while DND/CF provide assessments on issues of concern to the defence community. CSIS combines the information they collect themselves with information from other sources to provide intelligence assessments on terrorist threats. FINTRAC provides strategic financial intelligence and tactical disclosures to the security and intelligence community. Financial intelligence includes analysis of trends, patterns and typologies, and provides a detailed picture of suspicious monetary movements, establishing complex links between individuals, businesses and accounts, in support of law enforcement investigations and prosecutions of terrorism related offences. The RCMP also prepares tactical and strategic assessments in support of RCMP operations and planning, and contributes to overall Government of Canada assessment efforts through participation in PCO IAS and the Integrated Terrorism Assessment Centre (ITAC). ITAC provides comprehensive and timely assessments of the terrorist threat to Canadian interests at home and abroad that integrate intelligence from across departments and agencies and from external partners. ITAC is a government resource staffed by federal representatives from a wide range of federal government institutions. Wide department and agency representation provides ITAC with strong institutional expertise, as well as access to the information holdings of their home organizations. Dissemination An effective approach to counter-terrorism requires that the intelligence resulting from collection and analysis activities be shared promptly with those who need it. For this reason, information sharing arrangements have been developed to disseminate threat information: • within the Government of Canada; • between the Government of Canada and provinces and territories; • between the Government of Canada and specific sectors and owners of critical infrastructure; and • with international partners. It is important to note the role of three operations centres in this context: • the Government Operations Centre (GOC), housed at Public Safety Canada, is a Government of Canada asset which, on behalf of the Government of Canada, supports response coordination across government and for other key national players in response to emerging or occurring events affecting the national interest; • Marine Security Operations Centres (MSOCs) feature the co-location of five core Canadian federal partners, for the purpose of collecting and sharing information on the marine environment to create a maritime domain awareness picture; and • DFAIT’s Operations Centre monitors world events, alerts senior governmental officials to items of national interest and supports interdepartmental task force groups. It may also become the focal point for communication with affected missions and other government departments and agencies in incidents abroad.