6th Annual Crime Prevention Guide

Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 73 On this same day, 286women and205 children could not be accommodated. PROFILE OF PARTICIPATING SHELTERS Of the participating shelters, 84% were first stage emergency shelters, generally with a length of stay of several weeks offering a communal living environment, 9%were second stage housing, providing longer lengths of stay in apartments, while the remaining 7%were a mix of other shelter accommodation. 71%of shelters were accessible to women with reduced mobility. “I came here scared and confused. They made me realize that I am worthy of so much more.” “I like it here because no one is shouting.” — from a child SPECIALIZED SERVICES FOR SPECIFIC AT-RISK WOMEN WERE OFFERED IN 79%OF THE SHELTERS • 63%provide specialized services for Aboriginal women • 58%provide specialized services for women with disabilities • 51%provide specialized services for women dealingwith substance abuse • 43%provide specialized services for women with mental health issues • 34%provide specialized services for trafficked women PREVENTION Prevention is key to ending violence against women. • 93%of shelters were involved in some form of prevention work • 83%initiated public awareness campaigns • 76%were involved in providing education to service providers • 69% carried out school based programs continued...