Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 45 Of all reported crime in 2011, more than one quarter resulted from family violence. Family members were involved in 77% of all murder-suicides. Almost 70% of all family violence victims were women and girls. Women are victims of intimate partner violence more often and more severely than men • 80% of intimate partner violence is against women • 97% of spousal murder-suicides are against women Family violence is under-reported Experts know that rates of all forms of family violence are underestimated. For example, according to a 2013 Statistics Canada report, only 24% of women who had been abused by their spouses had reported it to the police. There are many reasons why people don't report family violence. One is because of the stigma associated with it. Young children may not report violence because they may have limited contacts outside the family in whom they can safely confide. Intimate partner violence Here are some findings from 2013 Statistics Canada reports on family violence and violence against women: Most victims are women Rates of intimate partner violence were higher for women compared to men in every age group. Compared to men, women who were victims were: • 3- times more likely to report being sexually assaulted, beaten, choked or threatened with a gun or a knife • nearly 2.5 times more likely to report higher rates of injury caused by abuse • 5 times more likely to report multiple experiences of abuse Rates for Aboriginal women are more than twice those for other women • Nearly 60% of Aboriginal women who reported spousal abuse also reported being physically injured as a result of it versus 41% of nonAboriginal women • Almost half of these women reported the most severe forms of violence: being sexually assaulted, beaten, choked, or threatened with a gun or a knife. Young women have the highest rates overall • Women aged 24-34 have the highest rates of intimate partner violence, followed closely by those aged 15-24. • The dating violence rate is 60% higher than the spousal violence rate. • Rates of all types of violence, including partner violence, decrease as people get older. Public Health Agency of Canada Agence de la santé publique du Canada FAMILY VIOLENCE: HOW BIG IS THE PROBLEM IN CANADA?