6th Annual Crime Prevention Guide

Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 29 Financial abuse—control, or misuse of a family member's or intimate partner's money or property, when someone: •takes another person's money or property without permission •prevents a person from going to work or otherwise obtaining money or other resources •withholds or limits money •pressures a person to sign documents •forces a person to sell things or change a will Neglect—not meeting the basic needs to provide care for a dependent family member or intimate partner, when someone: •does not provide proper food, warm clothing, health care, medication or appropriate hygiene •does not protect another person from physical harm or provide proper supervision •abandons another person Sexual abuse—forced sexual activity on a family member or intimate partner, when someone: •touches another in a sexual way without consent •has any sexual activity without consent •continues sexual activity when asked to stop •forces another to commit unsafe or humiliating sexual acts Sexual abuse can also happen in intimate partner relationships. Even if you are married or engaged, your partner cannot force you to have sex. Children under the age of 16 cannot give informed consent, so any sexual contact between an adult and a child is a crime. Children under the age of 18 cannot legally give consent to sexual activity that exploits them. Emotional or psycho-social abuse—words or actions to control or frighten a family member or intimate partner, or destroy their selfrespect, when someone: •makes threats •intimidates or bullies •puts down, insults or calls a person names •yells or criticizes all the time •isolates a person from friends and family •destroys belongings •hurts pets WHAT IS FAMILY VIOLENCE? ...continued www.phac-aspc.gc.ca