Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 17 In June of 2015, construction began on Saskatchewan’s first and only Bicycle Skills Park. This is a unique and exciting way to leave a positive legacy in the community and promote vitality within youth. A$er two years of planning and organizing, construction began a$er raising over $75,000 for the project. The project was intended to get underway in 2014, but Mother Nature wouldn’t cooperate with the plans. The MJPA funded the design of the park, organized the project, supplied the necessary volunteer effort and engaged in fundraising to complete the project. Overall, the project has received overwhelming public support and positive feedback. To date, support and donations were received from Co-Op, Evans Excavating, the Associated Canadian Travelers, Simpson Seeds, Cypress Paving, the RM of Moose Jaw, the City of Moose Jaw, Folgizan Insurance, Wakamow Valley and the Moose Jaw Pavers. We are very pleased to say that this will be one of the best bike parks in Canada and a valuable asset to our community! Saskatchewan’s first and only Bicycle Skills Park