Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 121 ORIGINS OF VIOLENCE STRATEGIES FOR CHANGE SUMMARY* VALUES We require communities where people feel a sense of responsibility to act ethically. We need to follow principles of conduct which ensure that we are treating others in a way in which we ourselves would want to be treated. Many spiritual teachings and philosophies are based on values such as love, honesty, respect, compassion, and generosity. Having these values become a common groundwork to all our actions, and which is part of people’s shared identity, will ensure that we develop non-violent responses to conflict and resort to communication and mediation rather than the authoritarian response implied by violence. KNOWLEDGE Non-violent communities are ones where knowledge is valued. We need to reflect on the causes of violence and come to understand these causes in the most real way so that we can respond most effectively to address the issues. We must reflect on personal attitudes, examine research on the issue, and engage in dialogue with each other as we explore not only the causes of violence but also alternative solutions to resolve conflict. A violent response is often taken because we believe there is no other way to deal with our fears and working towards our goals. EQUALITY Research shows us that unequal societies have higher rates of violence. The creation of equal societies can only occur when we place more value on social cohesion and less on consumption. This focus on social cohesion will ensure that our economic policies will benefit all in a fair way without excluding those who are marginalized by way of ethnicity, race, disability, status, or gender. We require restored social spending which does not exploit the environment and changes to a market system that, by its nature, does not allow us to set as a priority care for one another and for the earth. Actions to Promote a Non-Violent Society 1. Pay attention to the child. Changing the world requires nurturing the next generation. 2. Encourage people to think and talk about what values are important to support non-violent solutions to conflict. 3. Explore alternative actions to violence. 4. Call for a fair and sustainable distribution of the earth’s resources. 5. Advocate for policies that are grounded in regard for children, fairness, a valuing of education, and a respect for the environment. continued...