6th Annual Crime Prevention Guide

Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 9 • Regina Transition House (306) 569-2292 • Isabel Johnson Shelter, Regina - (306) 525-2141 • Wichihik Iskwewak Safe House (WISH) Regina - (306) 543-0493 • Moose Jaw Transition House - (306) 693-6511 • Southwest Safe Shelter, Swift Current - (306) 778-3684 • Saskatoon Interval House - (306) 244-0185 • Shelwin House, Yorkton - (306) 783-7233 • Prince Albert Safe Shelter for Women - (306) 764-7233 • Piwapan Women's Centre, La Ronge - (306) 425-3900 • The Battlefords Interval House Society - (306) 445-2742 For further information, you may also contact: The Provincial Association of Transition Houses and Services of Saskatchewan (PATHS) 2505 11th Avenue, Suite 308 Regina, SK S4P 0K6 Phone: 306-522-3515 Email: [email protected] www.abusehelplines.org Proceeds from our Annual Community Guide project have allowed the Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers to make a $5,000 donation to the Provincial Association of Transition Houses and Services of Saskatchewan. From left to right: Vice Presidents Tony Boensch and Taylor Mickleborough, PATHS Provincial Coordinator Jo-Anne Dusel and SFPO President Casey Ward. The following women's shelters are funded to provide emergency accommodation and support for women and their children.