6th Annual Crime Prevention Guide

Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 107 If you leave an abusive situation, you can still apply for custody of your children. If you think your children might be in danger, contact the police and ask them to take you and your children to a shelter or somewhere else where you will be safe. Once you are safe, contact a lawyer to help you apply to the court for a custody or parenting order. If you can safely contact a lawyer before you leave, it might be helpful to get legal advice as early as possible. If your child will be visiting the other parent, you may want someone else (such as a grandparent or other relative or friend) to be there when the children go or come back from the other parent's home. In some places there may be a service available for supervised exchanges. If you are worried about your child's safety with the other parent, ask the judge to order supervised visits. In very rare circumstances, if the other parent poses a danger to the child even if they are supervised, you can ask the judge to order no visits. The safety of your children and your safety come first. Do not stay in a dangerous situation because you are worried about money. Shelters can provide you and your children with short-term help while you look for housing and long-term support. They can also help you look for financial support. Parental child abduction Contact a lawyer if you think the other parent or someone else will try and take your children out of the country. If you ask, the judge may order that the child's passport be kept by the court. If your children are Canadian citizens, WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN IF YOU DECIDE TO LEAVE? Government of Canada Gouvernement du Canada å If you are worried about your child's safety with the other parent, ask the judge to order supervised visits. “ ”