Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 29 • Where possible, remove items that can be used for suicide, such as firearms, knives, over-the-counter medicines and drugs. Suicidal behaviour is often impulsive and restricting access to methods can substantially reduce the risk of a completed suicide. •Involve other friends and family members. The more support, the better for the person at risk and for you. • For more information and help, contact the mental health organizations listed in the “Need More Info?” section. Government of Canada’s Role The Government of Canada works to help Canadians maintain and improve their mental health, including preventing suicidal behaviour. Within its jurisdiction, the Government of Canada works to: • Develop and disseminate knowledge on mental health promotion and mental illness prevention; • Provide leadership and governance; • Develop social marketing campaigns; and • Conduct surveillance on health trends in population. In 2007, the federal government provided funding to establish and support The Mental Health Commission of Canada to lead the development of a national mental health strategy. Suicide Intervention: Who Can Help? It is important to know what resources are available. You are not alone; there are individuals and agencies willing and able to assist you, or someone else, in dealing with depression or thoughts of suicide. These same individuals and agencies can provide information and support to assist you in working with others. Each person's support network is unique; each community provides some kind of service. Generally, the following might provide initial and/or long-term support: • Family physicians • Family and community support services counsellors • Local health clinics • Employers •Coaches • Social workers • Police •Ministers, priests, rabbis and other religious leaders •Medical personnel • Psychologists • Emergency response personnel •Crisis/Suicide line Check with your health region for agencies in your community. SUICIDE PREVENTION