4th Annual Crime Prevention Guide

Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 93 Identity theft Scammers can steal your online identity by getting access to your credit card or bank information or to other data you use to verify your identity. Tools to use: Bookmarks, Browser and antivirus updates, Clearing browser cache, Firewalls, Privacy policies, Private browsing tools, Reporting online crime, Secure sites. Malware These programs – which may pretend to be something useful or install themselves by getting you to click a box – can hurt your computer or even take control of it. Tools to use: Bookmarks, Browser and antivirus updates, Firewalls, Secure sites. Online fraud It’s easy to be taken in by people online who promise more than they intend to deliver. You can see a complete list of online frauds at http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/scams-fraudes/index-eng.htm. Tools to use: Bookmarks, Contacting sites and ISPs, Prepaid credit, Reporting online crime, Secure sites, User/vendor rating systems. Phishing scams E-mails that try to get data from you by pretending to be from a bank or other business. Tools to use: E-mail encryption, Reporting online crime. Spyware Malware that collects data from your computer. Some spyware records everything you type. Tools to use: Bookmarks, Browser and antivirus updates, Firewalls, Secure sites. www.media‐awareness.ca Cyber Security Consumer Tip Sheet Supporting Children’s Internet Safety ...continued from page 91