34 Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers R&B CRushing Ltd PO BOx 998 KelvingtOn, SK S0A 1W0 306.327.4241 Proud to Support the Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 781 Confederation Bldg. House of Commons Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6 Tel: (613) 995-7080 Fax: (613) 996-8472 E-mail: [email protected] 1322 - 100 Street North Battleford, SK S9A 0V8 Tel: (306) 445-2004 Fax: (306) 445-0207 Toll-free: 1-888-825-4944 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.gerryritzmp.com Hon. Gerry Ritz, PC, MP Tron Power Inc. An English River First Nation Company 301-2555 Grasswood Road East Saskatoon, SK S7T 0K1 ® 585 Henderson Drive Regina, Sask. P: 306-721-4122 118 Faithfull Crescent Saskatoon, Sask. P: 306-651-1834 At Savanna, we believe in keeping people safe. That’s why we support the RCMP in our community. Savanna S 'ULOOLQJ :HOO 6HUYLFLQJ 2LOÀHOG 5HQWDOV .com .savannaenergy www 1810 Albert St. Regina, SK S4P 2S8 P: 306.205.2532 F: 306.205.2533 1.866.563.5404 Canadian Pardons & Travel Waivers Rope Attachments l Chain Inspection and Re-Cerification Service l Test Bed Services to 250,000 lbs. BlueGuard Rope Dressing - WRL 12FF Hoist Rope Dressing l Web Sling l Tire Chains l Tiedown Straps Transport Chain ad Loadbinders l Chain and Lever Hoists