4th Annual Crime Prevention Guide

Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 141 Do you or someone you know need help? Who you can talk to: • A trusted adult is the best place to start. If you cannot tell a family member, what about a teacher, counsellor, doctor or nurse? • If you or someone else is in danger or needs immediate help, contact your local police department. • Counsellors at the Kids Help Phone are ready to talk 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They can answer your questions and tell you who to talk to in your own community. Email www.kidshelpphone.ca; or call 1-800-6686868. It’s free to call, and they will listen. Sometimes, for any number of complicated reasons, the first person you tell may not be able to help you. They might even act like they don’t believe you or didn’t hear you. They are having a problem with the information – but YOU ARE NOT THE PROBLEM! Tell someone else, and keep telling until you get the help you need! Remember, you have a right to be protected, to be safe, and to control your own body. Believe it! www.redcross.ca NEED HELP? HERE'S HOW TO GET IT!