132 Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers Petroleum Available 24/7 Hwy 26, 1.5 kms North of Mervin, SK [email protected] Miller Comprehensive Catholic High School Regina Saskatchewan Proud to support Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers. 306•244•3898 www.cba.org/saskatchewan LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS Marketplace C-Store Agro Fertilizer Home Centre With branches in Nipawin and Choiceland *UDLQ *HQHUDO 6HUYLFHV 8QLRQ 0F,QW\UH 6WUHHW 5HJLQD $LUSRUW 'ULYH 6DVNDWRRQ ZZZ JVX FD 3URWHFWLQJ WKH ULJKWV RI ZRUNLQJ SHRSOH VLQFH .((3 <285 .,'6 6$)( RQOLQH