Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 107 • To ask you for permission before they make an arrangement to meet in person someone they have met online. Make sure they meet in a public place and are not alone. • If they share photos or videos of themselves, the images can never be taken back. Once it's out there, it's there for the whole world -- including you, the parents, and future employers -- to see. • Unplug their webcam when they aren't using it, and avoid webcam chats -- participants can record live video and you can't control where the images may end up. • Not to let other people - including friends - convince them to do something they aren't comfortable with. • Report abuse to the service provider in cases where someone is misusing a service to inappropriately communicate with a minor. • Report online child sexual exploitation to a reporting tip line (in Canada, these reports should go to local police or Using "netiquette" When interacting with others online, help make sure your kids' interactions are positive by encouraging them to abide by the common rules of "netiquette" (online etiquette): • Don't say anything online that you would not repeat or say in person. Why should this be an issue? Because the anonymity of the Internet may lead people to say things on the Internet that are inappropriate, rude or embarrassing.This can have offline consequences, like losing friends. • Never deceive someone for malicious purposes. This means that you should not pretend to be someone else, or lie to a person online, when your intentions for doing so are not well-intended. • Everything you write online could potentially be viewed by anyone. Some people tend to forget this and say things that they shouldn't say or that they would not want others to see. • Just like offline, you should respect someone's right to end a conversation with you. Not respecting the other person's wishes is a type of harassment and is disrespectful. ONLINE INTERACTIONS AND “NETIQUETTE” As a caregiver, you have a strong influence on your child’s behavior - both on and offline. ...continued from page 105