104 Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers COMMerCiAL & reSidenTiAL WOrK FULLY inSUred • Spring Cleanup/Mowing • Landscaping & Irrigation • Bobcat Work • Weed, Insect & Veg. Control MOOSOMin, rocanville, Whitewood & Area 435-9689 or 435-2647 email: [email protected] Cardlock Services Carrot river deben elrose Humboldt Kenaston Kerrobert Kindersley Laronge Melfort Plenty Prince Albert rosetown Saskatoon Tisdale Waldheim Box 1532 Saskatoon, SK S7K 3R3 Phone & Fax: (306) 384-5075 or: (306) 221-2327 web: www.derakmoving.com Willows Wellsch Orr & Brundige LLP Barristers and Solicitors 401-1916 Dewdney Avenue Regina, Saskatchewan S4R 1G9 Telephone: (306) 525-2191 Fax: (306) 757-8138 Web: www.willowsellsch.com RR#2 Box 4 GS 10 Lloydminster, SK S9V 0X7 Phone: (306) 825-3651 JEM MAINTAIN-A-LOT