3rd Annual Crime Prevention Guide

Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 5 Dear Supporter, It gives me great pleasure as President of the Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers to introduce this 3rd Annual Crime Prevention Guide, focusing on the topic of ElderAbuse. This type of publication greatly enhances awareness in the community on this very important topic and would not be possible without the ongoing support of Saskatchewan Businesses. Thank you once again for your support of this very worthwhile community project. Elder Abuse is a common, reoccurring problem in communities all over the province. Often, signs and evidence of the various forms of mental, physical and financial abuse are visible but ignored. Our seniors are an important part of our community and need to be protected from all forms of abuse. As you read through this publication, it is our hope that it will bring about awareness to the issue of Elder Abuse and help prevent it from happening. If you are aware of a situation involving possible elder abuse, it is your obligation to contact your local police or someone in a position to help. Thank you once again for your assistance in building safe and healthy Saskatchewan Communities! Evan Bray President Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers Among the objectives of our Federation are the following: • to raise the standards of police work and to foster a true sense of obligation to the public; • to maintain a just, impartial and efficient public police force; • to stimulate interest in the vital importance of police work in the everyday life of the community; • to lobby the government for progressive changes in Criminal Justice Legislation such as the Youth Justice Act and Early Parole.