3rd Annual Crime Prevention Guide

38 Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers TWB CONSTRUCTION LTD. Oilfield Hauling • Land Reclamation Backhoe • Loaders • Gravel Hauling Trackhoe • Dozers Maidstone Email: [email protected] Fax: 893-4722 893-4500 1120 Albert St., Regina, SK S4R 2R1 Bus. 525-5877 Res. 757-1670 GERRY’S Automatic Transmission Ltd. “THE PROFESSIONALS” “Trent Collins” Business Manager Eagle Investigation &Protect PO Box 26007 Lawson Height Saskatoon SK S7K 8C1 306-955-2882 RM of SALTCOATS ph: 744-2202 fx: 744-2455 Box 150 S0A 3R0 Rob Norris, MLA Saskatoon Greystone Minister of Advanced Education, Employment and Immigration 5-2720 8th St. East, Saskatoon, SK S7H 0V8 306.933.7852 306.933.7869 (fax) [email protected] (email) [email protected] www.robnorris.ca