Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers 117 Any signs and symptoms should be taken seriously and investigated.What sometimes seems to be selfneglect or apathy may turn out to be abuse. If the abuse or neglect is unintentional, education and support can be offered; if the abuse or neglect is intentional legal remedies are available. No one deserves to be abused or neglected. Help is available. Why Isn't Abuse of Older Adults Always Reported? Some older victims of abuse may not discuss the matter with a trusted individual or report the abuse because they... • are afraid of more abuse • are afraid they will lose their caregiver or lose contact with that family member • fear they will be placed in an institution • are ashamed that a family member mistreats them • feel that they are to blame • think they cannot prove it • believe that no one can really help them • are unable to due to cognitive impairment or disability Sometimes family, friends and other caregivers remain bystanders who suspect that an older person may be the victim of abuse or neglect but don't report their suspicions because they... • don't fully understand what constitutes abuse and neglect • don't know who they can talk to • are afraid to interfere in family relationships or jeopardize their employment • don't know if anything can be done • don't want to get involved We have laws in place that require suspected cases of child abuse to be reported. Generally speaking there is no such obligation when it comes to abuse of older adults. Mandatory reporting may be required in some hospitals and places such as governmentfunded facilities. Some other jurisdictions do have special laws in place or are considering introducing legislation similar to child protection laws, in addition to increased regulation of groups that work with older adults. With or without designated laws, awareness, education and support services will affect reporting and addressing the abuse and neglect of older adults. Where Can Abuse Be Reported? If you suspect abuse or neglect by someone in the community - family member, neighbour or friend - contact the police, a social service agency or community crisis centre. Local listings are often included on or near the inside cover of telephone directories. If you suspect abuse in a personal care home it can be reported to... Personal Care Homes Program (306) 787-1715 (Regina) (306) 933-5843 (Saskatoon) If you suspect abuse in a special care home talk to management as soon as possible. If the matter is not resolved it should be reported to... Community Care Branch (306) 787-7239 Continued on page119...