3rd Annual Crime Prevention Guide

104 Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers Kennedy Manor 4710 Singer Crescent Regina, Saskatchewan S4X 4T6 306.545.8057 Sooper B’s ESSO & CONVENIENCE PO Box 146, Grenfell Saskatchewan S0G 2B0 (306) 697-2655 illag Mistatim o PO Box 145, Mistatim, Saskatchewan S0E 1B0 (306) 889-2008 southeRn expLoRation PO Box 507 Arcola Saskatchewan S0C 0G0 306.455.2671 When You Need Water, We Deliver Water Supply (1985) LTD. 384-7778 422 Whitewood Bay, Saskatoon SK S7J 4K6 128 Prt Prince Albert HWY 2 N, Box 1921 Prince Albert, SK S6V 6J9 306.953.4700 100 City View Estate Regina, SK S4P 3W8 www.sherwoodhome.ca 306-352-7744 1-866-838-7744 Toll Free Grandmothers Bay Band Office Phone/Fax: (306) 635-2069 Located North side of Otter Lake, on the Churchill River TSL Laboratories 302 48th St. E, #2 Saskatoon, SK S7K 6A4 306.931.1033 324 Packham Avenue Saska t oon , SK S7N 2T1 Te l ephone : ( 306 ) 653 - 4046 Fax : 653 - 4062 Ce l l : 222 - 3030 E-ma i l : l p l e t t@con t echgc . ca Dr. N. Kriel Dr. S. Lombard Dr. L.N. deBeer Dr. A. Brits Dr. E Schoeman Dr. P. Campbell 1-888-887-0640